Group Mentoring for Creatives

Date(s) - 21/04/2022
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

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** This is an online event via Zoom **

Are you feeling unsure of the steps you need to take to move your music career forward?

Do you need help with goal-setting, accountability, self-discipline, or career planning?

Are you feeling ‘stuck’ or going through something that is impacting your emotional or mental health?

An extension of her coaching practice, ASC Founder/CEO, Lisa Butler, is offering this support and assistance each month via the online group setting.

As well as assisting you with your individual questions and issues, over time, Lisa will also explore with the group such topics as motivation, moving through fear, decision-making, developing business strategies, building your confidence, and much more.

“Definitely a helpful session for me, as I work toward launching my debut EP “It’s yours.” in a couple of months! Learned some great perspectives around strategy, planning and time management approaches – as well as suggestions on how to keep those creative juices flowing through times of fluctuation. It was also lovely to meet and connect with other songwriters, and share parts of our journeys together. Looking forward to more!” – Genevieve Sovereign

Everyone needs a little help from time to time.

Do you have a career question or a challenge in your life that you can’t figure out on your own?


Maybe you have no idea how to reach a goal you’ve set for yourself, or how to resolve a problem. Whether your challenge is related to your music career, other work, something in your personal life, a creative block or something else entirely, talking it through and learning some tools and strategies, can help you move forward.

“Thank you so much for having me for the Group Mentoring for Creatives session! I took a lot from the session, I found it incredibly helpful, and feel I have a much better perspective and an optimistic outlook for where I am headed, some of the steps need(ed) to get there and my capability of taking them. I have taken heaps of notes and am still working through them to absorb the points we discussed properly and put the valuable information learned to good use in my planning!” – Leonie-Jane Mahnken

If you’d like some help with your career or another issue but you’re not ready for, or can’t afford, individualised coaching, this mentoring group is perfect for you. Lisa has a certificate of coaching and a Diploma of counselling, and her experience as a songwriter, industry event manager, music organisation administrator, confidant to high-level industry figures and mentor to music creatives, spans three decades.

Get the help you need to navigate the challenges of building a music career.

Whether your challenge is related to your music career, other work, something in your personal life, a creative block or something else entirely, talking it through and learning some tools and strategies, can help you move forward.

ASC Members: $10.00 (click here to get your discount coupon code)
Non-members: $20.00