ASC Sydney Circle – Group Mentoring + Music Career Q&A

Date(s) - 21/08/2023
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Categories No Categories


** This is an online session via Zoom **

Keen to connect with other songwriters in a supportive group environment?

Interested in actively tracking your songwriting journey and sharing your progress with others on a similar path?

Or do you have questions about some aspect of the music industry, that you’d like to get a seasoned professional’s insight around?


Then you’ll find loads of value in this combined Group Mentoring + Music Career Q&A with Lisa Butler, Founder and CEO of the Australian Songwriters Conference.

The session will be structured in two parts, to ensure attendees get the maximum benefits from Lisa’s intensive yet organically flowing approach to group support for songwriters like you.

First Half: Peer Mentoring

In the first part of the session, participants will engage in a round-table update to the group about their own songwriting/career progress. This might include actions, successes or goals achieved to date. This part of the session encourages open and flowing conversation around participants’ current songwriting endeavours, and provides an opportunity to help each other through sharing experiences, insights and suggestions.

Participants can also speak about any fresh goals they’d like to work toward, areas of focus, or simply observations and learnings from recent creative work that they feel would be helpful in bringing to the group. In this way participants are able to float ideas, build clarity around priorities, and devise preliminary plans of action toward their aims.

Second Half: Music Career & Industry Q&A

The second half of the session will hone in and more deeply unpack specific industry questions or topics, which either arose during the peer mentoring segment or that participants have brought with them to explore in greater detail. This portion of the session is actively guided by ASC Founder and CEO, Lisa Butler, who offers this support as an extension from her own coaching practice.

Assisting participants with their individual questions and issues, Lisa can also explore with the group such topics as: motivation, moving through fear, decision-making, developing business strategies, building confidence, and much more. She is especially passionate to support you through…

  • the steps you need to take to move your music career forward
  • help with goal-setting, accountability, self-discipline or career planning
  • removing roadblocks that are impacting your emotional or mental health

If you’d like assistance with your career or another issue, this session is perfect for you. Lisa has a certificate of coaching and a Diploma of counselling – and her experience as a songwriter, industry event manager, music organisation administrator, confidant to high-level industry figures and mentor to music creatives, spans over three decades. Here is where you’ll find help you need to better navigate the challenges of building a music career.

Free entry for ASC Members and 1st/2nd time Circle visitors.
$15 entry fee for Visitors.

If you’ve never attended an ASC Circle before, we invite you to attend as our guest FOR FREE!   Simply email and ask for free entry. (Note: this invitation is only open to first- and second-time visitors.)


Bookings close at 6pm on the night

Join us to develop your skills in the craft and business of songwriting, network and collaborate with other members, and be involved in this supportive and cherished songwriting community.

Songwriters of all music genres and all skill levels are welcome to join. However, the webinar link will only be sent to those officially registered by 6pm (Sydney time) on the night.
